Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hanging in there...

So my pasta experiment turned out decent. Not great, but it was alright. And having people come over was probably good for me, too. Since then I've cooked a few more things -- but all the things that are so familiar I don't need to look at a recipe anymore. Beer bread, french toast, and guacamole.

It's amazing how boring and uninformative most of the graduate student orientation turned out to be, especially the TA orientation. At least most of us new Zoology grad students have found each other so far... I think I've found 11 others so far.

It's also amazing how much paperwork and MONEY moving a new place can require. I've been running all over town filling out forms (I truly have my address memorized by now...) mostly so I can PROVE that I moved to Florida when I did so next year I'll be considered an in-state student. I still haven't gotten my Fla. license, nor done the whole titling and whatnot of my car in this state.

I went out both Thursday and Friday night. Didn't meet many people Thursday night, I was tagging along with a friend at a 1st year med student social event. Friday night I did meet some new people... a Kiwi grad student in the English department, a girl studying poetry, a South African from the Statistics department, and a new history grad student. It's good to know people outside of your department... but with the size of campus I seriously question whether I'll ever encounter them again... maybe out at a bar some day.

I need to get some exercise. This being "break week" the gym hours (like the bus schedule, grr) have either been reduced or non-existent. I should have gone on a bike ride today, or rented a kayak at Lake Wauburg, but I didn't, hoping that someone might want to go rock climbing with me tonight... no luck. Tomorrow I get up early to go paddle!

Of course that will make me miss R... which is a big part of what I've been doing today. French toast for breakfast was a definite part of our weekend routine... and it's just not the same without him. I think I've only had three (now 4) weekends away from him since January. Classes starting and regular exercise should help me with all of that though... and I know Ultimate will be in swing soon. Apparently FUEL wants me to play with them in a tournament next weekend!

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